While the puppies were in temporary foster care, we already received some great updates on them from their foster mom Patty:
Gidget-went to a temporary foster home all by herself and we'll have an update on her shortly

Jersey Girl- This girl has attitude. She knows that she is just beautiful. I think more of her personality will come out now that Cleo has left us because Cleo was head puppy. She loves nyla bones and throws it up in the air and plays with it more than chewing on it. I am teaching her that I am not a chew toy.

Romeo - We have been playing fetch with an old sock and he is really good at it. Actually, all you have to say to him is that he is a good boy and he will do most anything you want. I really don't know how anyone could leave him in the woods - he whines a little every time that you get out of his sight. He is a great fetch player and even gives it to you pretty easily when you say "hand". I tell him what a good boy he is when he picks it up and he just prances over to show me. We also went in and out and in and out last night on the long lead. He stays really close and walks well on the lead - no pulling. Last night he was at the landing of the stairs and I went on down and over by the pups and I was not in view. He waited for a short time and then came looking for me. The reaction from him when he found me was wonderful. He crouched down and danced on his front paws, then ran up and got petted.

Wheaties - This boy can be a little bull headed, but he knows how to make up with you quickly. He wants to be top puppy, but Cleo has kept him in line. He will play tug og war with his sisters, but the girls usually win. He is also learning "no" in addition to "down". Jersey Girl and Wheaties will be undergoing eye surgery to correct a condition called Cherry Eye. Any donations to help with the surgery are greatly appreciated!
Last night we played in the yard until about 9 pm. We went inside and outside and inside and outside for over an hour and they are starting to catch on to the poddy outside program. Jersey is learning a little slower than Wheaties. We are also learning "No" which means no jumping, no chewing on foster mom's arm or fingers etc., they both follow me everywhere and are starting to come when called. They both will sit to be petted, but we do need to practice sitting for any length of time. They both are playing with new rope toys and basically just being juveniles. There is already a difference in their overall appearance from Saturday. They are filling in a little bit and don't look like skinny puppies with fat bellies.
I have been rubbing their paws with the plan of clipping their nails toward the end of the week. So far, everyone is liking baths, foot rubs and the play sessions that we have on the blanket. All three of them follow me around outside, but I have a 25 foot lead that I'm using just to be safe. With the weather improving, we will be able to spend more time outdoors and I will work with them on walking on the leash and we are starting to teach "sit".
I really want to thank you for the opportunity to have these wonderful babies come into my life. You really can not imagine the joy that they have brought me the past few days.
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